Feb. 21, 2013 | Cody Stuart
$252 Million Into Calgary Communities
Part of an ongoing community investment fund that will invest $252 million from 2012 to 2016, the second round of The City of Calgary's 2012 Capital Conservation Grants saw over $1.6 million allocated to 46 community associations and social recreation organizations to support more than 80 projects around the city."The Capital Conservation Grant assists community associations and social recreation organizations with badly needed repairs and renovations to well-loved and well-used community spaces," said Carolyn Tooth, Planning and Partnership management lead with the City of Calgary's Community and Neighbourhood Services. "The grant program covers a vast array of improvement projects from window, roof and door replacements to washroom redesigns to parking lot repaving, and more."
Calgary has 170 community associations and social recreation organizations operated by 20,000 volunteers across Calgary that are eligible for funding. The City recognizes these associations and organizations are critical to community and play an important role in creating vibrant neighbourhoods.
"It takes the hard work and commitment of many to provide citizens with the amenities and programs that make complete communities," said Tooth. "Community associations and social recreation organizations work diligently to better our neighbourhoods and The City is happy to support them and their work."
Prior to 2012, the Capital Conservation Grant program provided $2 million per calendar year to community associations and social recreation organizations.
Last year, an additional $12 million was allocated to the grant program from the community investment fund from 2012 to 2016 – meaning more than twice the financial support is now available to community partners.
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