Feb. 06, 2013 | CREBNow
What Say You? The Calgary Budget
The City is looking for input from Calgarians in an online survey about the City's business planning and budgeting process.As an extension of the dialogue the City conducted on business plans and budgets with the Our City. Our Budget. Our Future. Program, input is being gathered for the development of recommendations on the timing and duration of the multi-year planning and budgeting process.
The City currently has a threeyear business plan and budget cycle which has aligned with council's three year election cycle and is based on citizen input and council direction. The survey comes on the heels of the Alberta Government recently passing legislation to amend the Municipal Government Act to change municipal council terms from three to four years in length.
With the change in council terms to four years, the city would like to hear from citizens about the aforementioned recommendations on timing and duration to be considered by council this April. The City started this three year process in 2006 and has been awarded the Government Finance Officer's Association Distinguished Budgets Presentation Award for all three of its threeyear plans.
The online survey will be open until Feb. 15 and can be found at Calgary.ca/OurFuture.
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