July 11, 2013 | CREBNow
Pop The Question: Christian Orme
Christian Orme is the Corporate Marketing & Sponsorship Specialist with Homes By Avi. For the 18th year Homes by Avi designed the Stampede Lotteries and Rotary South Dream Home. The Dream Home was fortunate to not sustain any damage due to the flooding of Stampede Park. Orme answers our questions about the design of this years Dream Home and shares the amazement of its survival through the flooding.
CREBnow>> The house is inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright, what elements of the house are most obvious to his architectural and design style?Orme>> The design team had an opportunity to visit Chicago last year, Frank Lloyd Wright's home base. They saw examples of his Prairie Architecture and were inspired by his love of nature (bringing the outside in), his use of light, and his application of wood and concrete to create specific built-in features. These ideas were used as a jumping off point for the team to put on their own contemporary spin.
CREBnow>> Did suppliers do anything or create items specifically to contribute to the Frank Lloyd Wright inspiration?
Orme>> Our suppliers work very closely with our product development department. The emphasis was put on using natural materials which can be seen as a theme throughout the home. Product such as raw edge walnut counters and tables were custom made for the home. A concrete backsplash, hearth and fireplace surround were also made custom to keep with the theme. A water fountain at the front entrance, glass partition wall and stainless steel glass and walnut rail system are a few more unique features that can be seen in the home.
CREBnow>> Was there a contingency plan in the event that the house flooded?
Orme>> We have been building the Dream Home for 18 years now and have never experienced anything of this magnitude. Our construction staff worked tirelessly on the home and are used to tight deadlines. If in the event the home was affected our team of experts would have taken the necessary measures to ensure the home was safely restored. Homes by Avi has also created virtual tours of the home for anyone interested in the seeing home but can't make it to the grounds. The tours can be viewed on our website homesbyavi.com/dreamhome. Touring the home virtually would have been another option as a contingency plan.
CREBnow>> What are Homes by Avi staff saying about the Dream Home surviving the flooding?
Orme>> There is definitely a feeling of disbelief that it survived. We all feel very fortunate that it is ok but most of all feel privileged that we can still provide the Rotary club of South Calgary and the Stampede Lotteries a home that they can sell tickets for, as the proceeds from the sales go to local charities.
CREBnow>> Have you been to the house/on the grounds since the water receded? What observations do you have?
Orme>> Yes I have been to the house several times and am really amazed with how it and the Stampede grounds look. With the exception of some residue you would almost never know the area was flooded. The Stampede staff did a really amazing job of getting the grounds cleaned up and setup in time for Stampede.
CREBnow>> How do you think Stampede will differ this year because of the flooding?
Orme>> Over the past two weeks we have all experienced Calgary's community spirit in one way or another and it has been inspiring. I think that Calgarian's will show their support for the Stampede this year, the city deserves an event that is fun and positive. Hopefully the Stampede can add a shimmer of light to this tragic situation.
CREBnow>> Will the flooding change anything you do in preparation or building if Home by Avi builds next year's Dream Home?
Orme>> Luckily the home's location at the Stampede is on high ground and the home itself is on four foot supports which helped with the flood this year. When building the home next year, depending on the elevation of the home's final lot, the supports will definitely be an important factor.
CREBnow>> What do you like most about this year's Dream Home?
Orme>> I personally like the floor plan. The home has a nice open concept with an emphasis on outdoor living spaces. The home is 2330 sq.ft. but feels much bigger.
Tagged: Calgary Community | Calgary Real Estate | Dream Home | Homes by Avi