June 05, 2013 | CREBNow
June is REALTOR® Safety Month
Earlier this year, friends and family of murdered real estate agent Lindsay Buziak held a memorial march in Saanich, B.C.Five years have passed since the 24-year-old woman was stabbed to death while showing a luxury home in the Victoria suburb. Police believe she was lured to the vacant home and killed by someone posing as a homebuyer. Her unsolved murder is just one example of a case highlighting the dangers real estate agents face every day.

Although statistics on the number of real estate agents who have been murdered aren't easy to come by, one source in the United States said 206 agents were murdered on the job between 1982 and 2000.
Even if we assume the number is much lower in Canada, it still doesn't take into account the number of real estate professionals who were victims of other crimes such as sexual assault, non-fatal shootings, beatings, stabbings and robberies.
CREB® is committed to being the essential real estate resource for members. In addition to helping members ensure a high standard of business practices and ethics and helping them strive in their businesses, CREB® is also committed to ensuring members' safety. These safe practices help ensure our clients are safe as well.
June is the second annual REALTOR® Safety Month in Calgary. Throughout the month, members can participate in a full slate of courses designed with an eye to keeping them safe. The month also includes the launch of the full Lobbybox program. This program puts a main lockbox with building entry keys in a secure, safe location in apartment-style condominiums. Units for sale have their own lockboxes with suite keys. This approach significantly reduces risk to REALTORS®.

Tagged: Calgary Real Estate | Calgary Real Estate News | CREB President Becky Walters | REALTORS