Oct. 24, 2013 | Cody Stuart
West LRT Project Wins Award
The City of Calgary has received an Award of Excellence from The Canadian Design-Build Institute in the Infrastructure category for the West LRT project.The CDBI Awards of Excellence are presented annually to recognize excellence in Canada's designbuild industry and to acknowledge design-build teams whose projects contribute to the growth and stature of the design-build profession. Award recipients demonstrate the highest standards and principles in the design-build industry and the business community in pursuit of excellence.
The largest transportation infrastructure project undertaken by The City of Calgary, the $1.4 billion West LRT Project integrated rail, bus routes, bike paths, pedestrian bridges, regional pathways, eight-kilometres of double-track, six passenger stations, nine traction power substations, two park-and-ride facilities, a new road interchange, a transit-oriented operations building along the route, and five signalized level crossings.
The CDBI acknowledged the challenges faced by the West LRT project team: "All of this work was done in a dense urban environment, which required a high degree of traffic management. Along the alignment, the team had to deal with at-grade portions, and cut and cover tunnel sections and portions of elevated guide-way."
"The West LRT was delivered for Calgarians using a new design-build process. This process improved project schedule and budget adherence," said Mac Logan, general manager of Transportation. "This award recognizes the success of the public-private team that made this project a reality."
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