Sept. 16, 2013 | CREBNow
Test Your Knowledge: Calgary Parks
From biking to picnicking and tobogganing to taking an evening stroll, Calgary's parks are the jewels of the city. There are more than 5,000 park sites in Calgary open year round for outdoor enthusiasts and their families. How much do you know?
Answers below the photo1. What was Nose Hill Park named for?
a. Senator Nose
b. A hill in the park that looks like a facial protuberance
c. A similar park in England
d. The result of a public contest
2.Confederation Park was once known as what?
a. Disneyland
b. Calgary's Coulee
c. North Hill Coulee
d. Farmland
3. One of the Calgary's Big Four, Patrick Burns' family lived on the Bow Valley Ranche until 1970. In 1973, the Alberta Government purchased the ranch from the Burns Foundation as part of the development of what provincial park?
a. Bowness Park
b. Confederation Park
c. Fish Creek Park
d. Lindsay Park
4. As Calgary's only indoor park, Devonian Gardens includes how many pounds of soil?
a. 100,000 pounds
b. 500,000 pounds
c. 1 million pounds
d. 1.5 million pounds
5. What year was Nose Hill Park created?
a. 1957
b. 1968
c. 1980
d. 1991
6. The City of Calgary has how many hectares of parkland?
a. 5,000
b. 10,000
c. 15,000
d. 20,000
7. Reader Rock Garden is named for William Roland Reader, superintendent for City Parks from 1913-1942.
a. True
b. False
8. In what year was Confederation Park created to mark the centennial of Canadian Confederation?
a. 1957
b. 1967
c. 1977
d. 1987
9. What natural environment park in Calgary is surrounded by 12 residential communities and covers 11 square communities?
a. Bowness Park
b. Fish Creek Park
c. Confederation Park
d. Nose Hill Park
10. What are the features of Calgary's Ralph Klein Park?
a. Environmental Education and Ethics Centre
b. Manmade wetland
c. Public art
d. Community orchard
e. All of the above
11. Restoration to Reader Rock Garden was completed in 2006 and earned what designation?
a. Nicest Garden in Calgary award
b. Provincial Historic Resource
c. Federal Historic Resource
d. Golden Globe award

Answers: 1.b 2.c 3.c 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.d 10.e 11.b
Parks Information City of Calgary
Tagged: Calgary Parks | Calgary Real Estate News | City of Calgary | Test Your Knowledge