Dec. 17, 2014 | Cody Stuart
Park asks to 'Save the Big H'
Calgarians rallying in support of Heritage Park landmarkHeritage Park is hoping Calgarians love their letter.
The towering "Big H" that has welcomed visitors to the park since 1975 is in need of repair, and the park is asking people to pitch in to conserve the aging consonant.
Calling on Calgarians to donate money and post their memories of the Big H to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook under with the hashtag "#SavetheBigH," Heritage Park is hoping to raise $200,000 to replace the cracked logs and crumbling base. "The Big H has been here almost as long as the Park has, since 1975, and many Calgarians view it as an iconic landmark and want it to remain," said Heritage Park communications specialist Barb Munro.
Should the funds be raised, the Big H, which is also a meeting place for pathway users going around the Glenmore Reservoir, would be rebuilt with new logs and new paint, receive a new brick base and lights to illuminate it at night. The axe, which now adorns the monument, would be removed to align with Heritage Park's branding.
While the park has had plans to refurbish the sign since 2009, the not-for-profit organization has been forced to delay due to more pressing projects.
"All funds raised through donations, gate admission, catering events and retail go back into the operation, preservation and restoration of the park's artifacts," said Munro.
"With over 180 historic buildings and exhibits, the park's needs outweigh the financial resources available. Projects are prioritized based upon guest safety and engagement. While we recognize that the refurbishment of the Big H is important, other projects have taken and will continue to take priority of the limited capital funds.
"We were touched by this concerned group of citizen's initiative to save the Big H, and felt their idea of a grassroots fundraising campaign might be the best opportunity to do so."
Tagged: Calgary Community | Heritage Park | landmark