Jan. 07, 2014 | CREBNow
CREB® Lobbybox Program
We don't often have to think about personal safety. It's one of the many luxuries that we enjoy thanks to our high standard of living and the ongoing focus on safety by innovative programs like the lobbybox system at CREB®.The overarching goal of the lobbybox program is REALTOR® safety. The priority is to have centralized lockbox deployments in more apartment-style condo buildings every year. CREB® is making steady progress on this priority. There are now 20 lobbyboxes installed in buildings around Calgary. We have established relationships with a growing list of local condo boards and property managers.
There are also 15 more condominiums with signed agreements with CREB® and are expected to launch their centralized lockboxes shortly.
Another 12 buildings have verbally agreed to participate in the lobbybox program with implementation expected to begin in early 2014. All together, early in the new year total participation in the program will increase to 47 buildings.
Collaboration is vital to the success of the program. CREB® is always looking for support from condominium boards and management companies to implement the lobbybox system.
The lobbybox system ensures that REALTORS® showing in your building have safe access, your building is kept organized with only one lock box located on the exterior and it remains unknown to passers-by how many units might be for sale in your building.
More detail on the lobbybox program can be found here.
LobbyBox PDF Printable
Tagged: Calgary Real Estate | REALTOR® Safety | Uncategorized