April 28, 2016 | Caitlin Crawshaw
Connecting communities
How social media is bringing Calgarians togetherWhen the Green Line is complete, it will add 40 kilometres of track to the city's 59-kilometre LRT system and link North Pointe and Seton to downtown. Eventually, it will serve 41 million passengers annually and link Calgary's neighbourhoods like never before.
As with any large development project, the City of Calgary has been consulting with the community during the design process. And to that end, they've been relying heavily on social media to get the word out.
"We've been using a number of social media channels, primarily Facebook and Twitter," said Julie Yepishina-Geller, Green Line communications co-ordinator for the City.
Earlier this year, the City added paid social media to its strategy so it could communicate to a wider public, including people who aren't already engaging with City events and initiatives online. The strategy appears to be working, as evidenced by the younger demographic now coming out to information sessions, said Yepishina-Geller.
"One of the most important things about the Green Line is that it isn't just a transit project. It's definitely a community shaping project, too."
But social media isn't just helping get Calgarians involved in the planning process — it's bringing people and neighbourhoods together around the project.
"One of the most important things about the Green Line is that it isn't just a transit project. It's definitely a community shaping project, too," said Yepishina-Geller.
"The fact that it's 40 kilometres long and spans the entire city is really going to change how people move and live in Calgary."
Social media is also a community-building tool for many community associations in Calgary. Federation of Calgary Communities executive director Leslie Evans said more than half of its 150 members maintain social media accounts.
Although associations were initially slow to embrace social media, "in the last year, it has blossomed," she said. Twitter has become especially popular, likely because of its ease of use and its "polls" feature, which allows community associations to ask followers for feedback on certain issues.
In the last year, Instagram has also caught on as a way for associations to share photos of community events (i.e. farmer's markets) and amenities (i.e. ice rinks and community gardens).
Using these channels, associations are able to share a wide range of information relevant to their specific community — everything from association membership sales to crime reports from police, said Evans.
But she also stresses social media's benefits go beyond the dissemination of information. It also provides opportunities for more associations to connect with one another, not just with their own residents, to collaborate on mutually beneficial projects or events.
"I think there's more opportunity for partnership and sharing ideas," said Evans.
Looking to connect with your community on social media? Find your community below to locate its respective Twitter handle.
Beddington Heights @BeddingtonCA
Carrington @MattamyCal
Country Hills @NorthernHills
Country Hills Village @NorthernHills
Coventry Hills @NorthernHills
Evanston @NorthernHills
Harvest Hills @NorthernHills
Hidden Valley @HVCAHiddenhut
Huntington @huntingtonyyc
Livingston @BrookfieldYYC
MacEwan Glen @macsnd
Panorama Hills @NorthernHills
Sage Hill @SageHillYYC
Sandstone Valley @macsnd
Sherwood @MelcorYYC
Thorncliffe @TGCACalgary
Arbour Lake @arbourlakeyyc
Bowness @mybowness
Brentwood @BrentwoodYYC
Charleswood @TriwoodC
Collingwood @TriwoodC
Dalhousie @dcayyc
Edgemont @EdgemontCA
Greenwood/Greenbriar @mybowness
Hamptons @hamptonscalgary
Hawkwood @HawkwoodCA
Montgomery @mcapeople
Ranchlands @YYCRanchlandsCA
Rocky Ridge @RRROCA1
Royal Oak @RRROCA1
Scenic Acres @scenicacresca
Silver Springs @SSCACalgary
Tuscany @Tuscany_Calgary
University District @UHCACalgary
University Heights @UHCACalgary
University of Calgary @UCalgary
Varsity @VarsityVca
Castleridge @FCCA_Official
Cityscape @MattamyCal
Falconridge @FCCA_Official
Mayland Heights @CrossroadsComm
Monterey Park @MontereyParkYYC
Pineridge @PineridgeYYC
Redstone @QualicoYYC
Saddle Ridge @MYSRCA
Taradale @Taradale_ca
Temple @TempleCommunity
Vista Heights @CrossroadsComm
Altadore @YYCMardaLoop
Banff Trail @BanffTrailYYC
Bankview @BankviewCA
Beltline @yycbeltline, @beltline_pres
Bridgeland-Riverside @BRCAssociation
Capitol Hill @CapitolHillCA
Chinatown @SaveChinatown
Cliff Bungalow @CBM_CA
Crescent Heights @chcayyc
Downtown Comm. Core @downtowncalgary
East Village @EastVillageYYC, @yycEVNA
Eau Claire @eauclaireca
Elbow Park @ElbowPark
Elboya @ElbowPark
Erlton @ErltonYYC
Garrison Woods @YYCMardaLoop
Greenview @TGCACalgary
Highland Park @HighlandPkCA
Hillhurst @HillhurstSunny
Hounsfield Heights/Briar Hill @hhbhca
Inglewood @icacalgary, @InglewoodYYC
Killarney/Glengarry @killarneyyyc
Meadowland Park @meadowlarkpark
Mission @CBM_CA
Mount Pleasant @MountPleasantCA
Parkdale @ParkdaleYYC
Parkhill @ParkhillStanley
Ramsay @ramsaycalgary
Renfrew @RenfrewCA
Richmond @RKHCA
Rosedale @CalgaryRosedale
Shaganappi @ShaganappiComm
South Calgary @southcalgary
Sunalta @SunaltaYYC
Sunnyside @HillhurstSunny
Tuxedo Park @TuxedoParkYYC
West Hillhurst @WestHillhurstCA
Windsor Heights/Mountainview @winstonheights
Applewood Park @ApplewoodPark
Dover @doverdossier
Forest Lawn @ForestLawnYYC
Garrison Green @NGPCA
Currie Barracks @CurrieLife
Cougar Ridge @WSCRCA
Crestmont @crestmontca
Discover Ridge @discovery_ridge
North Glenmore Park @NGPCA
Spruce Cliff @sprucecliffyyc
West Springs @WSCRCA
Wildwood @InspireWildwood
Auburn Bay @AuburnBayRA
Copperfield @CopperfieldYYC
Douglasdale/Glen @DGCA_YYC
Bridlewood @mysbca
Mahogany @mahoganyliving
McKenzie Lake @mlca2
McKenzie Towne @MTCouncil
New Brighton @NBrightonCA
Ogden @MillicanOgdenCA
Riverbend @RiverbendYYC
Seton @BrookfieldYYC
Bayview @PBPCommunity
Braeside @BraesideCalgary
Bridlewood @bridlewoodca
Cedarbrae @Cedarbraeinfo
Chaparral @ChaparralCA
Deer Ridge @DeerRidgeCA
Deer Run @DeerRunCalgary
Evergreen @EvergreenRsdnts
Haysboro @HaysboroCA
Kingsland @Kingsland_YYC
Lake Bonavista @LakeBonavistaCA
Legacy @LegacyCalgary
Maple Ridge @WillowRidgeYYC
Midnapore @MidSunCommunity
Millrise @MillriseCgy
Palliser @PBPCommunity
Pump Hill @PBPCommunity
Silverado @SilveradoCA
Somerset @mysbca
Southwood @SouthwoodYYC
Sundance @MidSunCommunity
Walden @Walden_YYC
Willow Park @WillowRidgeYYC
Tagged: Calgary Community | Calgary Real Estate | Calgary Real Estate News | City of Calgary | communities | Facebook | federation of Calgary communities | green line | Social Media | Twitter | YYCRE