The new Rooftop Plaza in downtown Calgary is accessible from the Plus-15 bridge from the Telus office building to the Delta Calgary Downtown. Photo courtesy City of Calgary
Aug. 05, 2016 | CREBNow
City opens new downtown green space
Rooftop Plaza located at Fire Station 1The City of Calgary officially reopened the Rooftop Plaza on Fire Station 1, located at 450 First St. S.E., providing a rejuvenated green space for Calgarians who live and work in the downtown core, and for visitors to the city.
The Rooftop Plaza renovation was undertaken to make much needed repairs to the Fire Station 1 roof and to breathe new life into the Plaza that had fallen into disrepair.
The result is a quiet outdoor space that will be enjoyed by people who work in the surrounding office buildings, residents who live in the east side of downtown and patrons of the Delta Calgary Downtown. The project was completed through the partnership with the Delta, which shares the rooftop infrastructure with Fire Station 1.
"This project had to be completed to make the necessary repairs. At the same time, it gave us a real opportunity to make this part of our station accessible to public and integrate the fire station into this inner city community," said fire chief Steve Dongworth.
"The Calgary Fire Department wants to be more than a service provider—we are part of the communities where we serve. This Rooftop Plaza allows us to share this outdoor space with Calgarians by revitalizing this unique park area for everyone to enjoy."
Coun. Druh Farrell said she is excited to see this project completed as it brings a vibrancy back to a space that was being under used by residents, workers and visitors to Calgary. The project was funding through The City's Community Investment Fund (CIF).
"This is an excellent example of what can be accomplished when The City and Calgary's business community come together in partnership," said Farrell. "By sharing resources The City and the Delta hotel are making a valuable improvement to the urban experiences of both Calgarians and visitors to our city."
The Rooftop Plaza is accessible from the +15 bridge from the Telus office building to the Delta Calgary Downtown, through the second floor of the hotel and from the stairwell adjacent to Baker House.
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