CREB®Now Archive
Nov. 01, 2017 | Sam Randhawa
Higher standards
REALTORS® are refining their roles and elevating their business through educationHow do we keep REALTORS® in the know and current? CREB®'s mandatory training program was developed in 2014 to help achieve the strategic goal of enhancing professional conduct in local real estate. The program aims to raise the proficiency, competency and courtesy levels of Realtors, thereby elevating professionalism in the local industry.
Through mandatory training, Realtors can enhance their industry knowledge, professionalism and business standards. This training also ensures that Realtors are aware of industry changes, modern technologies and tools that might create better customer experiences.
"Mandatory training is one way CREB® helps elevate our members' professional development and assists them in staying relevant in the industry," said Robyn Baran, CREB®'s training and development supervisor.
All Calgary Realtors are required to complete this training annually to remain active in the industry. Each year, the training is focused around new and relevant subjects. For example, in 2015, the training focused on professionalism and how to build better relationships. In 2016, the training outlined how Realtors could maximize the value of the MLS® System for their clients. Finally, this year, training emphasizes the governing rules and legislation that all Calgary Realtors must adhere to.
CREB® is passionate about enhancing professional conduct in local real estate, and mandatory training is just one way the organization keeps Realtors in the know and current in their field.
Tagged: Calgary | Calgary Real Estate News | MLS® System | REALTOR | REALTORS | training