May 28, 2020 | CREB
A little goes a long way – Ismahan Omer
As a CREB® REALTOR® since 2012, sales manager for Partners Development Group and a mother of three, Ismahan Omer is one busy woman. But she hasn’t let that stop her from doing what she can to give back to the community.
“For me, giving back, I feel like it's a calling. It doesn't matter where, it can be any organization that is looking at helping others,” she said. “I'm very simple when it comes to this. If it's helping somebody, I'm in.”
To that end, she chose to become a Friend of the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation. Through a monthly donation of as little as $20, Omer and other Friends of the Foundation help to create new housing, keep people housed, and improve housing quality in Calgary and surrounding areas.
“I really like the fact that it is actually geared towards housing because that’s what we do,” she said. “You're in the industry already – that's what you sell, that's your bread and butter – and there are people that may not be able to have any of that available to them. So, if there's any way to help, why wouldn't you?”
Housing- and shelter-related charities are certainly a natural fit for Realtors looking to give back, but providing affordable, high-quality housing to those in need is a cause that every Calgarian can get behind.
“It's super important because it’s a basic necessity,” said Omer. “The thought of anybody not having a roof over their head or a warm place to sleep – I can't imagine that. I think it's important that people understand that this is real, and without all of us looking out for each other, it's difficult for a lot of people.
“Also, it gets so cold in Calgary.”
This cause is especially important right now due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has placed many Calgarians in a precarious financial situation. With so many people out of work and struggling to make ends meet, even small contributions can make a huge difference.
That outsized impact is one reason why Omer says other Realtors should consider becoming Friends of the Foundation.
“(We can) contribute to providing someone who really needs shelter and a warm place just a little bit more dignity,” she said.
“Everybody has a situation, but especially now with what's happening out there because of COVID-19 and all this craziness. There's going to be a lot of vulnerable people.
“Those of us that can help need to step up. It doesn't have to be a whole lot, but whatever you can do could change someone’s life.”