Aug. 14, 2023 | CREB
Valerie Konechny on receiving the CREB® Volunteer of the Year - Marilyn Jones Memorial Award
Valerie Konechny’s volunteering journey began in the fall of 2011.
She had been a licensed REALTOR® for five years, and at an annual general meeting, someone asked her if she was a volunteer.
“I responded no…but then I signed up in the portal,” she says.
“I chose to be a member of the Board Development and Leadership Standing Committee (BDLSC) as it made a difference with members. I also hoped to bring new, younger members to the Board of Directors and other CREB® leadership committees.”
At the Diamond Gala this June, Konechny was awarded the 2022 CREB® Volunteer of the Year - Marilyn Jones Memorial Award. This award honours the late Marilyn Jones and recognizes members who make outstanding contributions to CREB® and are actively engaged volunteers.
“I am a proud member of CREB®, and I’m glad to be able to give back,” she says.
“Not only do I feel that I’m able to contribute to our organization and industry, but being a CREB® volunteer also enables me to keep in touch with other REALTORS® who also volunteer on committees. I am extremely proud to have received this award.”
Konechny says that throughout her time volunteering, she has learned about governance. Still, she has also used her expertise in administration, accounting, recruiting, and training to contribute positively to not only to the BDLSC committee but also to the TWH (Bill) Saunders REALTOR® of the Year Award Committee.
“I am extremely passionate about this committee,” she says.
Besides her volunteer work as Chair, Konechny has also enjoyed volunteering on Habitat for Humanity’s Build Days.
“They’ve definitely been a highlight,” she says. “They’ve provided me with the opportunity to work with many building tools that I previously didn’t have experience with, and in the 2019 Women’s Day, I met many Calgary area celebrities and media.”
Even in difficult times, Konechny’s commitment to volunteering hasn’t ceased.
In 2016, she went through chemotherapy and could not drive to her committee meetings. However, fellow CREB® members and friends showed up and gladly drove her to her appointments so she wouldn’t miss them.
That sense of community support has inspired Konechny’s volunteer work for the past 11 years.
Now, her goal is to keep serving on other committees and, eventually, join CREB®’s Board of Directors.
“There is no better way to meet your fellow CREB® members than to volunteer,” she says.
“There are positions available for members with experience in accounting, law, engineering, administration, trades, and the list goes on.”