Sept. 26, 2023 | CREB
Introducing our 2023 Community Grant recipients
CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation has awarded Community Grants to the Inn from the Cold Society, Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society, and Ronald McDonald House Charities Alberta.Each non-profit will receive $25,000 in grant funding to support major repairs and renovations to existing housing or shelter supply, with the goal of keeping people housed in their communities.
“We take pride in supporting these non-profit organizations on behalf of our local Realtors, and seeing the positive impact it makes in our community,” said Catherine Chow, Chair of CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation. “It’s inspiring to see our community come together, working towards enhancing housing and shelter-related solutions for those who need it most.”
Inn from the Cold Society
Inn from the Cold Society is a charity that has been helping Calgary families for over 25 years overcome obstacles that can lead to homelessness. They are the largest organization in the Calgary region that is solely dedicated to families experiencing a housing crisis, and they strive to help these families find stability in times of crisis.
Grant funds will support the completion of major renovations to its Journey House in Calgary, which was recently converted to an affordable housing complex.
“With this donation, CREB® is helping us ensure the safety of all the children and families residing at Journey House through the replacement of a retaining wall and repair to balconies in our affordable housing complex,” says Heather Morley, Executive Director at Inn from the Cold. “Keeping families safe in times of crisis is a priority at Inn from the Cold, and this grant will make a world of difference to the families we serve each day.”
To learn more about the Inn from the Cold Society, visit the website.
Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society
For over 40 years, Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society has served women and children leaving domestic violence, helping them rebuild their lives. Discovery House’s shelter was built in 2002 and the organization supports approximately 600 people a year, most of them children. The shelter has two, three, and four-bedroom apartments, a childcare centre, counselling rooms, community spaces, and an enclosed courtyard with a play area and garden.
Grant funds will support several capital improvements to the building’s interior, mechanical systems, and electrical systems. The building is designed to maximize safety as well as provide a calming environment to help clients heal from trauma.
“Discovery House is embarking on essential renovations to improve our 20-year-old family violence shelter. This generous gift of $25,000 helps create safe spaces that are hopeful, inspiring, and dignified and will ensure that Discovery House can continue to support women and children for decades to come,” says Leslie Hill, Executive Director, Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society.
To learn more about the Discovery House, visit the website.
Ronald McDonald House Charities Alberta Society
Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Alberta have been providing a home-away-from-home for families in their time of need for almost 40 years. Thousands of families have sought out the support of the RMHC and have been able to utilize the family suites at the Calgary House.
Grant funds will support renovations to nine family suites in the RMHC Calgary House which needs to be updated to provide the best space for families that have travelled long distances to care for their child’s needs.
“The Ronald McDonald House in Calgary is incredibly busy, operating at capacity every single night,” says Denise Kinghorn, CDO of RMHC Alberta. “You can imagine with 27 families always at the House, the wear and tear can impact the facility. The community grant provided by CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation will go towards refurbishment of existing spaces that require attention to ensure the entire facility remains as comfortable as possible for families. We want to thank CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation for their generous support of RMHC Alberta.”
To learn more about Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Alberta, visit the website.