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Stories Tagged - Health
June 23, 2021 | Gerald Vander Pyl
Calgary lake communities are ready for summer, as Alberta approaches full reopening
For residents of Calgary's lake communities, having such a special amenity available during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a blessing. Now, those communities are looking ahead to, hopefully, even better times this summer as the province reopens and restrictions are lifted.
March 11, 2021 | Andrea Cox
Wellness and relaxation take centre stage in Foothills Hospital Home Lottery prize showhomes
With demand for mental health supports skyrocketing in Alberta during the COVID-19 pandemic, the launch of the Foothills Hospital Home Lottery couldn't come at a better time. Proceeds from this year's lottery will go towards enhancing urgent and critical mental health services in the province.
Jan. 14, 2021 | Tyler Difley
10 low-maintenance indoor plants to green up your home
If your home's interior is feeling a bit drab and lifeless, adding a handful of houseplants to the mix can make a world of difference. This is especially true during the winter, when a little bit of greenery inside can help you forget about the weather outside.
Jan. 26, 2021 | Shameer Gaidhar
Safety first: why radon mitigation systems should be installed in more Canadian homes

July 27, 2020 | Natalie Noble
COVID-19 pandemic highlights Calgary's need for affordable housing
Now that the phrase "go home and stay home" has become 2020's mantra, the importance of affordable housing in Calgary is greater than ever. After all, what does "stay home" mean for those do not have a home or live in unhealthy conditions?
June 09, 2020 | Josh Skapin
Business as usual? How buyers, sellers and REALTORS® have adapted to COVID-19
What a difference three months makes.
Restrictions in place to slow the spread of COVID-19 have altered almost all standard practices, including real estate transactions. So, if you're buying or selling a home, things look a little bit different.
Restrictions in place to slow the spread of COVID-19 have altered almost all standard practices, including real estate transactions. So, if you're buying or selling a home, things look a little bit different.
June 01, 2020 | Gerald Vander Pyl
COVID-19 highlights importance of home air quality
The COVID-19 pandemic has many people thinking about the safety of the air we breathe. The importance of air quality is especially high in the home, where the average Calgarian has been spending more time than usual these past few months.
May 21, 2020 | Tyler Difley
Different strokes: how to navigate Calgary golf courses during COVID-19
Golf season in Calgary is officially underway, after public courses received the go ahead to reopen on May 2 and several City of Calgary courses opened on May 14. However, thanks to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this will be no ordinary golf season.
City and public courses have instituted a variety of new safety measures and procedures to keep golfers and staff safe and healthy. The specifics of these safety measures vary from course to course, but there are still several best practices golfers should follow.
City and public courses have instituted a variety of new safety measures and procedures to keep golfers and staff safe and healthy. The specifics of these safety measures vary from course to course, but there are still several best practices golfers should follow.
April 17, 2020 | Natalie Noble
How to preserve your relationships, and sanity, during COVID-19 cohabitation
For many Calgarians practicing social distancing and self-isolation for more than a month now, staying home is no slumber party. Those coexisting in smaller spaces with a romantic partner and/or roommate(s) might be struggling, as they strive to live, work and play peacefully – often in less than 1,000 square feet.
Oct. 10, 2019 | Donna Balzer
October in the garden: Bring the outdoors inside your new condo

Not so fast. If you want the benefits nature offers without the associated yard work, it is time to bulk up on houseplants for your new pad. Do it for your health, happiness and creativity, according to author Florence Williams.