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Stories Tagged - Nolan Matthias


Jan. 29, 2016 | Cody Stuart

Interest-ing times

Bank of Canada's overnight lending rate exposes disparities in Canada's housing markets

The Bank of Canada's decision to leave its overnight lending rate unchanged at 0.5 per cent is expected to have vastly different impacts on markets across the country, say experts.

The bank's decision to stand pat on the rate it established last July instead of downgrading it by 0.25 per cent will do little to help revive what's expected to be a sluggish economy in 2016, said BMO Financial Group chief economist Douglas Porter in an interview with CREB®Now.

"It's certainly not going to be enough to turn around Calgary," he said. "Is it enough to revive the Canadian economy? No, a quarter point is not going to do it. But there's only so much a central bank can do without risking other things, and I think we've seen those risks in the past year."

CALGARY ALBERTA - November 28th, 2015; Chad Kanovsky anticipates buying two to four condos within the next six months--   November 28th, 2015 (for ) (Adrian Shellard for CREB)

Dec. 07, 2015 | Barb Livingstone

Planning for tomorrow

Investors see opportunities within local housing market

Within the next six months, 26-year-old Calgarian Chad Kanovsky intends to take the plunge and buy as many as four multi-family units as income-producing investment properties.

The commercial real estate associate already has a stock portfolio, and is looking to diversify by adding local real estate.

Yet Kanovsky, who started working in land development as a teenager for his father's company, is adamant he will not be jumping into any "get-rich-quick" investment.

"I'm not looking to make a million dollars in the next year and then go to Mexico," he said.


Aug. 07, 2015 | Cody Stuart

Suite shift

CMHC change will allow buyers to use more rental revenue as qualifying income

A rule change from Canada's Crown housing corporation may provide more fuel for Calgary's long-running debate on secondary suites.

Set to take effect Sept. 28, the change will allow homeowners to count 100 per cent of rental income from legal secondary suites as qualifying income applying for a mortgage.

Up from the current level of 50 per cent, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. said the changes were made after a review of the corporation's policy for treatment of rental income.

"It appears as though CMHC is making these changes to assist with affordable housing," said Nolan Matthias, broker at Calgary's Mortgage360.


Aug. 01, 2015 | Nolan Matthias

A record year for Mortgage360


Nov. 13, 2014 | Nolan Matthias

Don't overlook payment privileges

Understanding how they affect rates, penalties
nolanPre-payment privileges are the single-most overlooked aspect of a mortgage by borrowers.  Consumers, for whatever reason, seem to gloss over them as if they are a feature of the  mortgage that will never be used.

However, pre-payment privileges are important. They are what allow a borrower to reduce his or her amortization from 25 years to 10 years. They can also affect interest rates and payout penalties, which is why a better understanding of how they work, is important.

Oct. 07, 2014 | Nolan Matthias

The benefits of owning versus renting

'Don't pay off someone else's mortgage'

Many of us remember our parents telling us it is better to own a home than rent one at some point in time – "don't pay off someone else's mortgage," they'd say.

They could not have been more correct.

So why are many people still choosing to rent when owning a property can be so financially rewarding?

Sept. 24, 2014 | Nolan Matthias

Tips on renewing your mortgage

How to get the best rate

One of the most costly mistakes when renewing a mortgage is to not looking at all the options. Both blindly signing a renewal statement, or not signing one at all, and allowing the mortgage to renew automatically, can be costly.

Here is what you need to know when it comes time to sign on the dotted line, again:

Start looking 13 months before your mortgage renewal date

Depending on your mortgage lender, it may be beneficial to renew or switch lenders more than a year in advance. A low rate for a one- or two-year term can, in many cases, be more financially beneficial than riding out the last year of a current mortgage at a higher rate, even if you have to pay a penalty.

Sept. 22, 2014 | CREBNow

Private sales coming under increased lender security

REALTOR® guided transactions offering more than just peace of mind

By Nolan Matthias

While no bank has come out and said it, their actions speak louder than words. Banks prefer to lend on properties where the transaction is handled by a REALTOR®.

As mortgage professionals, we have noticed increased scrutiny on private sales is becoming the norm – and for good reason.

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