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Stories Tagged - birds

Skipping a home inspection when purchasing a home can lead to some nasty surprises after you take possession.
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March 22, 2021 | Geoff Geddes

Unearthing the unusual: Calgary home inspectors share their strangest finds

If you ever doubted the need for a home inspection prior to purchase, the unusual finds of some Calgary inspectors might be enough to convince you.


Aug. 10, 2015 | Cara Casey

Make your yard bird and nature-friendly

Developing urban ecosystems in our own yards

When thinking about preserving complex ecosystems, many people think of our provincial parks and large-scale grasslands. However, with the total urban land in Canada doubling in the last 40 years, it's impossible to ignore the native species that fill the patchwork of green spaces that are our yards.

Birds, in particular, are not only losing their natural habitats faster than you can say "tweet," but are also being eliminated in massive amounts by their number one predator — house cats.

"As far as habitat in Calgary for many of our local bird species, it just doesn't exist anymore or it's really degraded," said Barbara Kowalzik, a program advisor with The City of Calgary Parks Department at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary and Nature Centre.

"A good example is our wetlands. Over 98 per cent of our wetlands have been lost or degraded so that habitat just doesn't exist. Whatever the citizens of Calgary can do in their own yards to promote that local habitat, will really help."

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