Oct. 04, 2018 | CREBNow
REALTOR® Story of the Week: Lee Edwards
Brokerage: MaxWell Canyon CreekIn the fall of 2016, a fellow named Athar Alvi came into my office in Bragg Creek. He said that he had recently been let go from his job in Fort McMurray and decided to use his severance package to fund a dream he has always had – to be a movie director and producer. He had written a script and hired a professional cameraperson and a couple of professional actors. He had started filming and was looking for a location to shoot a certain scene. He asked if I knew of a place in the Bragg Creek area that would work. I told him "Yes, I do. Let me make a call." The call was successful, introductions were made, and everything worked out.

It turned out to be a lot of fun for me and for many of my clients, acquaintances and friends.
With all the raw footage, Alvi was able to put together a bit of a "teaser." He took it to the Banff World Media Festival and managed to secure a couple of Hollywood contacts who invited him down. Since then, a studio has taken on the project and invested some money. The film has been completely edited, all the overdubbing and colour balancing has been done, and the music is currently being added.
The movie, "One Last Chance," will be fully complete in a few weeks and I hope it will be coming to a theater near you. In the meantime, the trailer can be found on YouTube.
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