Nov. 07, 2012 | CREBNow
Calgary on the Go
Over the past two months, City of Calgary Transportation has been hitting the local malls to talk to Calgarians about programs, services and funding options."It was great to speak with so many Calgarians and hear what's on their mind, how we can improve their commute and where they think we should focus our energies and money in the future," said Transportation general manager Mac Logan of the roughly 700 Calgarians engaged during the five mall events. Calgarians were engageed on topics ranging from the Airport Trail tunnel, to ring roads to Deerfoot Trail and cycling and pedestrian infrastructure. According to the City of Calgary blog, the most popular transportation topic on people's minds was public transit and future expansion plans including the bus rapid transit (BRT) to the southeast and the future southeast LRT.
BRT's include on street, limited-stops, frequent services, articulated buses and park and ride lots. Phase I of the southeast BRT will connect McKenzie Towne and the downtown and is considered a precursor to the future southeast leg of the LRT. Current service issues for the southeast, according to Calgary Transit, are limited transfer opportunities for travel to southeast destinations and no direct service outside of the peak period.
Another hot topic on Calgarians minds was airport access.
"We understand calls for more transit service to the airport to meet the needs of airport workers and a growing number of air travelers," said the blog. "The new tunnel and proposed plans for future extension of LRT in the northeast will allow for a transit link (LRT, tram or bus) to (the airport) from northeast Calgary."
The blog continued saying Calgary Transit is continuing to work with the airport authority to improve current bus terminal facilities and provide for a future bus/rail corridor within the Airport Master Plan.
As far as cycling is concerned, Transportation responded to questions concerning the City Council approved cycling strategy, planned bikeway improvements and where cycling fits into Calgary's overall mobility strategy.
The City's cycling strategy was approved in July of 2011 and includes a vision of making Calgary a bicycle friendly city for all through three main points: planning and designing a network of bikeways that are attractive to the public, operating and maintaining bikeway facilities year round and educating and promoting cycling and issues related to cycling to help raise awareness and expand bike culture in the city.
For more information on Transportations gathered information or on mobility in Calgary, visit Calgary.ca or Routeahead.ca.
Tagged: Calgary Real Estate | Calgary Real Estate News | City of Calgary | Transportation