Dec. 05, 2015 | Cody Stuart
City gives green light to new sewer line
Residential development to continue in northwestDevelopers in several northwest communities will finally be able to move forward with construction with news the City of Calgary has begun installing a new sewage pipeline through Bowness.
The two-kilometre Bowness Sanitary Trunk will largely be dug with the help of a German machine which will work "around the clock" to drill a one-metre wide tunnel from 13th Avenue N.W. to Bow Crescent N.W.
Addition of the new line, which is expected to be completed in fall 2016, will allow development that had been on hold due to sewer capacity concerns to move forward in the communities of Bowness, Canada Olympic Park, Crestmont, Greenwood/Greenbriar, Rockyridge, Scenic Acres, Silver Springs, Tuscany, Valley Ridge and Varsity.
"I cannot express enough my gratitude and congratulations to the West Memorial Trunk team and contractors involved in this important project," said Ward 1 Coun. Ward Sutherland.
"This is a great early Christmas present to the many residents and businesses of northwest Calgary, one for which we are truly thankful."
According to Sutherland, construction had been on hold roughly 200 homes and businesses in the affected communities.
The new line is expected to accommodate growth in Calgary's northwest through 2026.
Tagged: Calgary Real Estate News | developers | Northwest Calgary | pipeline | Residential | sewer | utilities | West Memorial Sanitary Trunk