April 01, 2016 | CREBNow
Report card shows Airdrie residents are satisfied
More than 90 per cent of Airdronians feel safeAirdronians are generally a happy bunch – at least with local amenities and services, according to the City of Airdrie's 2016 citizen satisfaction survey.
Residents' rating of overall quality of life, quality of services and efficiency of services remained strong, with no significant change from 2015.
To read the full survey, click here.
Areas showing signs of pressure were managing community affairs and managing community growth and development, showing drops in satisfaction from previous years.
"I'm very happy with the results of this survey," said Mayor Peter Brown. "I'm proud that our citizens are showing great satisfaction with life in Airdrie. There's always room for improvement, and we'll look closely at the areas identified as opportunities for us, but overall I'm very pleased with the results."
"I'm proud that our citizens are showing great satisfaction with life in Airdrie."
Respondents identified the most important issues facing Airdrie today as health care (26 per cent); infrastructure, traffic, train tracks, construction (25 per cent); and rapid growth management (11 per cent).
The issue of lack of health care in Airdrie presented a significant nine per cent increase from 2015.
Other highlights from the survey included residents' satisfaction with organics collection services (73 per cent) and safety (98 per cent of residents feel safe during the daytime; 92 per cent feel safe overall).
The survey was conducted by Bannister Research from Jan. 7 to 14. A total of 400 telephone interviews were conducted with Airdrie citizens 18 years of age or older.
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