Tim Logel (above), president and COO of Logel Homes, has partnered with Ryan Ockey of Cardel Lifestyles to offer more affordable and high-quality homes in Calgary.
Courtesy Logel Homes
June 08, 2017 | Marty Hope
Partnering for success
Tim Logel and Ryan Ockey team up to bring Logel Homes to lifeFor more than three decades, Tim Logel has worked at Cardel Homes, and for the past 17 years he has been a 50-50 partner with Ryan Ockey in Cardel Lifestyles, the company's successful multi-family division.
Now, the two have teamed up again to bring Logel Homes to the Calgary marketplace and to continue to offer affordability and quality in their product.
"Logel Homes has been two years in the making," said Logel, president and COO of Logel Homes. "I approached Ryan with the idea and he thought the same as I did, that Logel Homes would provide an opportunity to grow market share."
But, for Logel, there was another reason for reaching out with the idea of creating the new multi-family entity.
"I wanted to provide a legacy for my two sons – Brayden and Kevin – who have been working for Cardel Lifestyles for five years. I just thought it was time," said Logel.
Brayden is director of customer experience, sales and marketing, and Kevin is a site supervisor currently working in Auburn Bay. Brother Brad is currently area manager for Walden Place in the southeast community of Walden.
Logel Homes will also have its own sales force, marketing, design, development, construction and customer experience teams.
"I am a big believer in having all of my team under one roof for improved communication, collaboration and teamwork," said Logel.
As part of the company's corporate announcement, Logel wasted little time in announcing the first development for Logel Homes, a 373-unit, five-building condominium project called Auburn Rise in the southeast community of Auburn Bay.
I am a big believer in having all of my team under one roof for improved communication, collaboration and teamwork.
Sales started May 27 and heavy equipment will move onto the site this summer to break ground on the project that will be just a short walk from grocery stores, other shops, a private lake, the south hospital and a future LRT station.
Auburn Rise will have 10 different floors plans priced from $139,900 to $279,000 plus GST.
"Any suburban multi-family site for product that is designed for consumers just starting out or downsizing will go to the Logel Homes brand. Move-up, higher-priced multi-family will go to Cardel Lifestyles, as our goal is to see both brands move forward."
Ockey, president and CEO of Cardel Group of Companies, says the partnership "allows us to jointly develop a new brand" that will continue to focus on affordable, high-quality street towns, condos and townhomes.
"Cardel Lifestyles will focus on unique products, such as cluster homes, street towns and stacked towns like we build in Ottawa, Denver, and Tampa, and will be under the guidance of Cardel's Calgary Region president Mike Selinger," he said.
The Ockey-Logel partnership will continue to work on the development of more than 1,000 condos and townhouses that are under construction. As well, Logel will continue to "find the dirt" for both Logel Homes and Cardel Lifestyles to develop on.
Since 2000, Logel and Ockey have completed 12 successful multi-family developments and have another six underway.
The success of the partnership's approach to multi-family comes from Cardel's deep single-family roots.
"We used feedback we had received from single-family customers who wanted an affordable option for their children who were entering the housing market," said Logel. "Now those same single-family customers are buying condos and townhouses as they seek lifestyle changes and a need to downsize."
Born and raised in Ontario, Logel traces his strong work ethic and obsession with quality back to his father, who was a farmer and cattle rancher. In 1978, Logel came to Calgary and brought his father's influence with him into the real estate and homebuilding industry. In 1982 he joined Cardel Homes and found himself another mentor in Cardel founder Del Ockey.
Tagged: Calgary Real Estate News | Cardel Homes | Cardel Lifestyles | Feature | Mike Selinger